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Want to go abroad?

You can take selected vehicles to the Baltic states, Scandinavian countries, and specific Central European countries. These are listed below. You cannot take our vehicles to Russia, Eastern or Southern Europe.

The process of reserving, picking up, and returning the vehicle is as simple and easy as it is in domestic reservations. However, you need to book at least 24 hours before the planned date. You can make the reservation in the comfort of your home – just remember to purchase a cross-border permit and tell us the destination country.

We will email you the permission for cross-border travel before your reservation is due to start. You will be needing it during your journey, so remember to print it out and take it with you.

Note that the insurance deductible for cross-border reservations is four times the standard one. The deductible in cases involving vehicle theft is 25% of the value of the vehicle.

Where can you go?

With an applicable cross-border permit, you can take our vehicles to the following countries:

Baltic states Scandinavia
– Estonia – Sweden
– Latvia – Norway
– Lithuania – Denmark
Central Europe  
– Germany  
– France  
– Austria  
– Switzerland  
– Belgium  
– the Netherlands  
– Luxembourg  

Note that some vehicles cannot be taken abroad.

Customer Service when abroad

Our Customer Service is available to you even if you take the vehicle abroad. The best way to get in touch with us is through the m.24rent.fi site. In urgent matters, you can also contact us by phone.

Our road service (towing, small repairs) is not available outside Finland. To be prepared for unexpected incidents, you should look into the services available in your destination country before heading off.


Vehicle equipment

Our vehicles are equipped to meet the requirements of the Finnish law. Please check the legal requirements (studded tyres, high-visibility clothing, fire extinguishers, etc.) of the country to which you are traveling before you leave home, and make sure you comply to them.

If you are traveling in winter, you should rent a vehicle with non-studded winter tyres, as studded tyres are not legal in all European countries. Our reservation web site tells you the kind of tyres on each vehicle, so remember to check before making a reservation.

Please bear in mind that you may have to pay road tolls and congestion charges in some countries. Some systems are automated, such as the one in Stockholm, and you can only pay afterwards. We will invoice you after your reservation for any congestion charges we receive, alongside with applicable processing fees.